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  1. Des outils pour favoriser l'autonomie( French only)

    Produits d’ici, les pictogrammes sont une collection de produits destinés à accompagner les petits dans l’apprentissage de...

  2. Des produits futés pour la relâche! Construction d’un fort ( French only)

    Construction d’un fort Des châteaux aux tunnels, en passant par les forts, les enfants peuvent rapidement construire de grandes...

  3. Des produits futés pour la relâche! Les magformers ( French only)

    Magformers Ces ensembles de formes géométriques aimantées remportent un succès fulgurant auprès des...

  4. Article de Geneviève Harvey-Miville / Introduire des activités sensorielles dans votre quotidien (in French only)

    On dit souvent qu’il n’y a pas d’âge pour apprendre et c’est bien vrai. Les poupons vont explorer leur environnement et...

  5. Article de Geneviève Harvey-Miville / Camps de jour : des trucs et astuces pour un été amusant pour tous! (in French only)

    Avant de célébrer la fin des classes, il faut encore traverser la période des examens de fin d’année....

  6. Des produits futés pour la relâche! La soucoupe pour glisser (french only)

    Soucoupe pour glisser Les enfants adoreront dévaler les pentes avec cette soucoupe en plastique résistant, munie de...

  7. Des produits futés pour la relâche! Les moules à neige(French only)

    Moules à neige Petits et grands auront grand plaisir à construire châteaux, murs, tours, bref tout ce que leur permet...

  8. 5 bricolages des Fêtes à faire avec vos petits lutins! (in French only)

    in French only.

  9. So you want to open a day-care centre?

    Childcare services can take many forms from day-care centres to facilities to private-home centres to early childhood centres (CPE), and it can get...

  10. A new Name and Visual Identity for B&B School Supplies

    BB is introducing a sleeker, more modern company identity and a totally redesigned Web site as of September 2013 (along with a new, easy to remember...

  11. Robotics – A teaching tool for the 21st Century

    The 21st Century came barreling through the doors of our schools with its share of challenges and issues, but also with endless possibilities. To...

  12. BB Education turns 70!

    The year 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of BB Education. Since the beginning, our teams have been driven by the same passion for offering a...

  13. Using pictograms

    What is a pictogram? A pictogram is a simplified drawing that depicts in the clearest way possible an action or a more abstract concept such as...

  14. Brault & Bouthillier proudly partners with Little Victory Education

    One more step along the road to academic success It goes without saying that school is an essential and determining part of a child’s life:...

  15. The benefits of a multisensory room

    Sensory play has many unexpected benefits! It reinforces the brain’s nerve connections and promotes fine and gross motor skills, concentration,...

  16. Let's play outside! (in French only)

    La belle neige qui s'est accumulée au cours des derniers jours donne envie de goûter pleinement aux joies de l'hiver! Voici 5...

  17. When motor skills and simplicity go hand in hand

    Everyone agrees on the importance of psychomotor education in children. This is a broad area that includes fine motor skills, gross motor skills, as...

  18. Child Development Through Play: The First Two Years

    The series of articles below describe the skills acquired during childhood. These skills develop sequentially and any reference to age may vary from...

  19. Did you do your homework?

    If success in school is a responsibility to be shared by the school, parents, children and society in general, dealing with homework on a daily basis...

  20. LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 : Robotics according to LEGO

    The 2014 Consumer Electronics Show has just wrapped up. A year has gone by since the new generation of LEGO robots was presented at the famous CES....

  21. What to Consider When Choosing a Toy?

    With the Holidays or a child birthday, sometimes you may ask yourself: How do I go about choosing a good toy? The key is to look at a toy through a...

  22. Hurray it’s P.D. Day!*

    ASGEMSQ, the in-school daycare association of Quebec, asked one of its members to describe how the Harfang-des-Neiges school (Premières...

  23. Children with learning difficulties

    Their numbers keep growing… They are part of the reality of early childhood and school life, but finding the necessary resources remains a...

  24. Workshop : Flower Arrangement

    Whether done as a group, team or family, this collective creation (3 or more participants) will brighten your day. 1 - Apply tempera freely...

  25. It's Our Move!

    It’s a fact: using basic motor skills like grasping, crawling, walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking, and balancing...

  26. How are Brault & Bouthillier’s products selected?

    The expression “Seek and ye shall find” is particularly appropriate at Brault & Bouthillier! First, we seek: each year, our experts...

  27. The Value of a Smile

    Testimonial by the mother of a young adult with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) April is Autism Awareness Month. Many parents of children with ASD...

  28. Froggy Feeding Fun

    Froggy Feeding Fun These two adorable smiling frogs are made of soft, durable rubber that’s pleasant to handle. Besides improving...

  29. Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay

    Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay Playing with modelling clay or pottery clay can help children develop...

  30. Educational benefits of building blocks and sets

    Building blocks and setscan help children develop important skills and competencies. The information in this document was compiled by...